Monday, December 5, 2011

The other family living with us

I wanted to introduce you to the other family that lives with us. 

They are Russian kettlebells and are an amazing workout. I use the baby ones which are 12kg. (26 lbs.) and Jason uses the 16kg. ( 35 lbs.) consistently. He also bought the large bells this summer. He has a pair of 28kg.(62lbs.) and a pair of 32 kgs. (72lbs.). Jason is working his way up to the larger bells and is doing an amazing job.

The reason why we love to use the bells is because it's such a great total body workout and it is actually really good for rehabilitating joints. Since Jason has trouble with pretty much all of his joints, it's been great for him to use the bells without injuring himself more. I know that a lot of people are jumping on the kettlebell bandwagon lately and I have to say that I completely understand why. It's just an amazing way to work out. It's been a staple in my training for Tough Mudder.

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