Monday, November 28, 2011

Can you read me now?

So here is my start at blogging. My name is Vivien and I get the privilege to stay at home with my 3 wonderful kiddos. Lately, I've been calling them my owlets because I made owl hats for them and woke up to them hooting me awake. I have 5 year old owlet twins named Audrey and Gabe and a 3 year old owlet named Aiden. Although, I call him Booboo.

My husband studies at Dallas Theological Seminary and is currently working his way through Greek. We met in 2001 while bungee jumping. More on the story to come!

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking the very same thing when I saw them all lined up outside my door with you two! I had to laugh when you said you two met while jumping because that just seem like a perfect story for you two! Way to go on getting your blog up and running.
