Saturday, February 25, 2012

Training's not fun.

Last week Jason and I did the timed exercises again.  Let's just say that it wasn't fun at all but here are our scores anyways.

Me: Day 1
Jump Squats-84
Indian Lift- 57
Alternating Splits- 87
Dips- 42
Time- 11:55

Day 2
Diamond Push ups- 34
Wall Squats- 186
Side Tri Rise- 45
Mountain Climbers- 234
Time- 14:37

Day 3
Snowboarder 180- 96
Plank In & Out- 51
Jump Kicks- 138
Dive Bombers- 28
Time- 13:36

Jason: Day 1
Jump Squats-99
Indian Lift- 102
Alternating Splits- 126
Dips- 111
Time- 13:06

Day 2
Diamond Push ups- 93
Wall Squats- 200
Side Tri Rise- 60
Mountain Climbers- 258
Time- 14:20

Day 3
Snowboarder 180- 117
Plank In & Out- 78
Jump Kicks- 150
Dive Bombers- 36
Time- 14:00

Jason and I both agreed that the worst exercise to do last week was the Snowboarder 180s. It wasn't the hardest to do, but we didn't like them because it messed with our equilibrium and I was getting dizzy and it made Jason's knees hurt.

This week's training was not any better. The program threw us for a loop and had us do the same 4 exercises all week long. Not Fun! It was a very arm intensive week and after the last workout my arms felt like they were rubber and about to fall off. 

Me: Day 1                              Day 2 (lowest score)                           Day 3
Burpees- 10                            1                                                          33
Cross Hops- 11                       6                                                          42
Cliff Scalers- 5                       1                                                            18
Incline Dips- 6                        3                                                           27
                                                                                                      Time- 13:40

Jason: Day 1                           Day 2 (lowest score)                           Day 3
Burpees- 12                            3                                                          45
Cross Hops- 12                       9                                                          63
Cliff Scalers- 8                        3                                                           33
Incline Dips- 18                       14                                                         96
                                                                                                      Time- 14:20

As you can see,my numbers were pretty pathetic. But this week I worked so much harder. I thought things were going to get easier, but boy was I wrong!

Fasting Friday #7-8 plus our new diet

It's been a busy couple of weeks. Between sickness, researching new rings, my new class and just life in general blogging got pushed back. However, I would like to say that Fasting Fridays is going splendidly. Jason and I decided that it was important for us to eat at least one meal as a family a day. Which isn't a big problem during the week because lunches and dinners are usually a family affair. Fridays are different though, as much as I would like to just sit there while they eat, I don't have that kind of will power. So now fast until dinnertime, which works out to about 20-22 hours of no food.

I like the new set up a lot more because I get to spend the meal time with the kids and I get to eat sooner! I have noticed that between the fasting, exercise and new diet that my body just doesn't have as much reserves to run on anymore. So in the end, I think it was a good thing that we decided to break our fast at dinnertime. And we might go back to a 30 hour fast later on down the road. Especially on the Paleo diet, I don't think that I will be taking in as many calories as I will need to keep the full 30 hour fast.

As for our new diet, Jason and I decided to put the family on the Paleo diet for lent. The main reason was that we wanted to make sure that there were no food sensitivities with anybody. With Jason's mom having Celiac, which is genetic, we wanted to make sure that gluten wasn't an issue. And then since I have dairy issues, we're just trying to play it safe and test everybody. We're hoping that it will help us solve the random stomach issues that we have or at least give us an idea of what's causing it.

So what can we have? Lean meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. No grains, dairy, salt, sugar, processed foods, legumes or starchy vegetables. It sounds extreme and it is, but then again we're only trying this for a little over a month and then we are going to slowly reintroduce foods. I'm cautiously excited about the diet because I want to make sure that we are eating the best things for us and not stuff that our bodies can't handle. But as the main food preparer, I'm racking my brain with how many different ways I can cook chicken. I don't know if we're going to stick with the strict Paleo diet forever, and we probably won't since I love sweet potatoes so very much. But I think that we will have a much better diet in the long run.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fasting Friday #6

I wish I can say that fasting has become easier with practice. But alas, it would be a lie. While I'm emotionally more prepared for it now, I'm still physically not. Isn't that always the way though. God prepares you to do something and you go out and prepare yourself spiritually, mentally and emotionally. But when it comes down to it, the flesh is always there to keep you from it. In this case, it's the physical hunger that wants to be satiated. But it's so much more important to be full with the Spirit.

While I'm in the midst of it all, I don't feel like I've made much, if any, progress. But looking back on this Friday and past Fridays, I've realized that I have grown. I've become less whiney. I don't do the self pity thing anymore. And I've grown to not dread fasting days and everything that entails including making the kids' meals. 

It may not be a life change but I've found that God likes to work with me a little at a time. And slowly but surely, there is progress. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

An uphill battle

I continued my training this week and boy, was it tough! Not only were the exercises rough, but I had taken a week off. All I have to say is that I'm glad it's done! My numbers were pretty pathetic, but in a way, I'm kind of happy about it since I won't have to do as much next week. :-)

Me: Day 1
Jump Squats: 15,12,10,8,8,8,8,8
Indian Lifts:10,7,6,6,4,7,6,4
Alternating Splits:14,10,10,9,9,9,9,9

Day 2
Diamond Push-ups:4,2,2,2,1,3,2,2
Wall Squats:20,15,15,12,12,12,12,12
Side Tri Rise:8,6,6,6,6,6,6,4
Mountain Climbers:31,25,21,18,22,20,18,28

Day 3
Snowboarder 180:15,13,12,11,11,10,10,10
 Plank In&Out:10,7,6,6,6,7,6,6
Jump Kicks:13,11,11,12,12,12,12,11
Dive bombers:3,2,1,1,2,2,3,1

Jason was very sweet and redid this week's workout with me. These are his scores from last week.

Jason: Day 1
Jump Squats:16,16,11,10,10,10,8,8 
Indian Lifts:20,18,16,13,11,11,12,9
Alternating Splits:21,15,12,12,11,12,11,12

Day 2
Diamond Push-ups: 17,9,6,5,5,4,4,3
Wall Squats:20,20,20,17,16,15,13,13
Side Tri Rise:8,8,8,7,7,7,7,6
Mountain Climbers:49,30,24,22,20,18,18,16

Day 3
Snowboarder 180:17,15,15,12,10,11,10,7
 Plank In&Out:11,8,9,8,8,8,7,6
Jump Kicks:17,14,11,11,11,11,10,10
Dive bombers:6,5,5,3,3,2,2,1

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fasting Friday #5

Wow, we're over a month into the fasting challenge. Only 23 more months to go! This last week wasn't so bad. I was sick so I ended up not eating very much the beginning of the week. Something about throwing it back up made me not want to eat. So by the time Friday came around, I was starving!

We ended up breaking the fast at dinnertime and it worked out for me. I did realize that I tend to be less cranky when I'm not thinking about myself. I was so busy with the day to day activities that I didn't have time to feel sorry about myself! I guess I'm just going to have to keep my Fridays busy from now on.

Training or not.....

I was sick with a stomach virus last week so training was put on hold. As much as I enjoyed the rest, this week has been rough. Not only are the workouts hard anyways, I'm working on building up after a break. Let me just say that I should have just trained las week even if I threw up afterwards. Oh well...hindsight is 20/20.