Saturday, December 10, 2011

Carolers, Candlelight and Confederates

Jason and I took the kids to the Dallas Heritage Village's Candlelight tours today. The park is full of Victorian buildings that have been relocated into the village for all to see. Jason and I bought the Groupon for it thinking it would be a fun little outing and we invited our good friends The Altmans. It was a day of good fun.
Hanging out at the entrance.

While it was fun to look at all the Victorian buildings and see how people lived a hundred years ago. The best part was spending some quality time together. The kids love Mack and Zoe and it’s fun to see them being goofy together. 

Feeding the baby beer (root beer!)

There were arts and crafts to do throughout the park and the kids made some buttons. 

 The Wells Fargo Men had their campsite set up and were cooking dinner. I was amazed to see Aiden go up to one of the men and ask him if he was a cowboy. My kids are usually so shy it’s nice to see them come out of their shell and talk to other people. 
Can you imagine cooking like this all the time?

This Lady was playing an organ in an old church so that we could sing Christmas Carols. Jason said that it was worth the price of admission just to be able to sing carols in an old church. 

We saw some Civil War soldiers in their campsite. We established that Jason will be teaching history since I called them Confederate soldiers when in fact, they are Union soldiers. Jason even put me on a time out to “think over what I did wrong” and I still kept calling them Confederate soldiers. I just figured since we were in the south, they wouldn’t be Union soldiers. I guess I won’t make that mistake again.

They were cooking dinner.

The kids had quality time with Father Christmas. The kids all talked to him and there were no tears! YEA! Mack was also a good sport but Zoe was not having it. 

 I really wanted to see some carolers(in fact they were the reason we bought tickets to the event), so we hunted them down. They were very nice and stopped for us. They even had Jason pick a song for them to sing and blessed the kids with some candy canes. In fact, candy canes were handed out quite generously by everyone involved and the kids appreciated that immensely. 

 We were having so much fun that before we knew it, it was time to go home for dinner and we had only seen half of the park! I guess we’ll just have to see the rest of it next year!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Thanks for posting and for putting up the pics :) We had lots of fun. You guys are too sweet for taking us!
